Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012


If the analogy in real life, people now want to be treated like a boutique in the visitor gets what she wants. Not like a supermarket that allowed visitors to find and get your own items that cool them. Web visitors a willingness to understand the 'store' information provider (in this website). This is the challenge of how the web can help visitors understand and interact with all available information. So no wonder then that characteristic of the third generation of web development is the web that are 'real', is really no interaction occurs, and can provide direction or 'suggestion' to the visitor the information he had hoped, and of course also continue to be 'Provider' or able to provide the required information.
Web 3.0 itself is a semantic web development project, which is a web system that can track every link of the words are strung, in association with the meaning of every word used. The goal of course that the web can be a common medium for exchanging information through the documents that the language can be understood by the system, so that web visitors can easily find the right data or at least related closely to what we mean. Web 3.0 itself is a realization of the development of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) to create a global meta data that can be understood by the system, so the system can interpret the data back to the visitor as well.

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